blown away

Jake:   you know if you had a drink with me.. you might trick me into getting your pregnant..
Lani:   Hahaha
Jake:   LOL
Lani:   Wouldn’t you like that?
Jake:   the pregnant part?
Lani:   Both
Jake:   hahahah
drinks yes
holding you yes
see you in the dark?
well i can’t see in the dark
Lani:   Lmao
Jake:   i think our minds would be blown away
we might actually die
Lani:   Wow!
That good huh?
Jake:   i don’t know
i didn’t know you can make me feel like this
just from a hug
better than any kiss
better than wow..
you truly are my bff
no one has been able to make me feel so connected..
no pressure
so natural
it’s like you’re my first love
i haven’t feel like this ever
Lani:   Ever?
Jake:   not like this
most of my relationships are physical
we don’t share anything but our bodies
or kisses
i never felt like i belonged
i’m complete lost
Lani:   So this is very true
Oh wow
Jake:   so i have been doing all the talking
is it just one way..
you don’t have to feel what i feel
also the things i do.. i do it not to be romantic.. i do it because i enjoy it..
Lani:   I know I don’t have to feel what you feel but I do
Jake:   i like opening doors.. i like seeing you..
Lani:   I am so terrified of my own feelings
Jake:   so that’s one of my fears.. am I helping you or am I hurting you..
you said last night you felt you were about to have a nervous break down
Lani:   You know if I get hurt its not your fault right
Jake:   actually if i hurt you, it is my fault for checking you out at jerrybuilt
Lani:   Lol
Jake:   i was completely mesmerized by you
Lani:   You know that I wouldn’t mind getting hurt by you
Jake:   i don’t mind either.. otherwise i would have never gotten to feel what i’m feeling now.. utter and completely lost into you..