miss or fall

Jake:    I didn’t know I would fall for you..
I mean.. miss you..
Lani:    Which one is it Jake?
Jake:    you make me.. smile a lot Lani
question.. is there a difference?
Lani:    Yes
Jake:    if there is.. I would like you to define the difference
Lani:    One will mean that there is way more feelings than there should be because of our situations (We will get hurt)….
the other means you miss someone but they don’t mean too much yet
Jake:    hahaha
Lani:    Yes really
Jake:    okay.. so I don’t mean too much.. to Lani
you got yourself into the question
Lani:    Dang it Jake
You mean more than I thought you would and it scares me
Does that answer your question
Jake:    Wait, which part scares you?
Lani:    My feelings