stories and feelings

Jake:   harder question
can we be friends without falling
Lani:   I don’t know
Can we?
Jake:   have you had a friend that you shared everything with but you weren’t romantically attracted to
Lani:   I am trying really hard to keep my feelings buried
Yes I have
Jake:   you’re doing a good job
what happened to that friend?
Lani:   We are still friends
Jake:   is he married?
what kept you two from dating?
Lani:   No
He has a girlfriend
There was no connection like that
Is was just a friendship
Jake:   i’m sure what’s happening here is my fault.. i shared too much of my stories and feelings to a pretty girl that likes romance
Lani:   It’s not just your stories
Jake:   and how i approach life
Lani:   It’s who you are
You are an amazing person
I miss you and not like i miss a friend
Jake:   me too